Chronicle Order︎︎︎

preview 『Birthday Brothers』
digital images, 2022 ― ONGOING

 Portraits Only︎︎︎

 Still Lives Only︎︎︎

Project  Birthday Brothers  is a series of portraits and still lives, finding people who have the same birthday as I do and making photographic ties between the subjects and the photographer(myself).

「melted and popped」, digital image, 2022.08.12

― Before taking a self-portrait and starting this project, I prepared icecream cakes. I kept it with 24 coke-cans in a fridge.
Then, the cakes melted and the cokes popped. When I heard that popping sound at my studio, I instantly realized something went wrong.

― The failure was ironically the first suceesful photograph that I got.

「I was born in January 27th, 1998.」, digital image, 2022.11.08

― Understandably, the first birthday brother was me.
I’ve always wanted to do like this(cake-up my face), but all of my friends never did it for me.
So I did it alone for myself, just for fun, at my workroom.

― There is a picture frame of 「green grape」 from ︎︎︎tutti frutti, my previous project, on the wall behind me.
And I had a green grape in my mouth. My contact lenses are also green-colored. I like green but it is not my fav.

― There is also a bookshelf, displaying several books :

① Diane Arbus 『An Aperture Monograph』 which I bought at MoMA in 2019,
② Elmgreen & Dragset 『Paperback』,
Nike : Better is Temporary,
④ Pharrell: A Fish Doesn't Know It's Wet which I bought at a Fukuoka department store in 2018,

(And you cannot see but there are also)

⑤ Vivienne Westwood Catwalk: The Complete Collections,
⑥ Tim Walker: Shoot for the Moon which I bought at Dover Street Market London in 2019,

and a lots of ‘Monsta X’ albums.

This is such a ‘tower of my taste.’

― I let my virgin hair grow for more than two years. So it’s really long and black.
And I wore a green short-sleeved shirts made with terry cloth(that is my uniform in summer monsoons),
and light color denim jeans with bear patterns on it(which is advertised by Kihyun, a member of Monsta X ― I bought it for receiving photocards of him).

「I used to capture when it is 01:27.」, digital image, 2022.11.09

― I used to capture a clock when it is 01:27 a.m. or p.m. like my birthday number.
There is no serious meaning for this behavior, but I believe this action gives me a lucky day.

― Now I am trying to captuere 01:27 a.m. or p.m. everyday.

I came up with this project by the following thoughts.

① Firstly, I came up with this observation

: Elderlies often act like children when they are with their childhood friends.

② Secondly, I came up with this idea
: ‘Does the ego really grow up?’ · ‘Maybe it’s not gretting older, but getting more?’

― from a mere curiosity
: ‘What kind of lives and faces of people who have the same birth date with me are out there?’

· ‘Then how many more egos do older birthday-brothers have?’
·‘And how many less egos do younger birthday-brothers have?’

; when it is compared to me.

③ Lastly, I encouraged for myself with this challenge
: ‘How many birthday-brothers can I meet?’
... I just wondered and planed to meet them.

I hoped to meet numerous strangers ― any-years-old people born in 27th January (my birthday) ―
and make them into my ‘birthday brothers.’ 

 < Birthday Brothers that already dead > 

Before finding alive models, I started to seek my birthday brothers who already dead.
I found there was a photographer, a composer, and an architect.

They were William Herbert Mortenson︎︎︎,Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart︎︎︎, and Eugène Viollet-le-Duc︎︎︎in order.

「William Herbert Mortensen was born in January 27th, 1897.」, digital image, 2022.11.23

― William Herbert Mortensen is an American photographer in 18th century.
He took Hollywood portraits in 1920 - 40s in the Pictorialist style.︎︎︎

I decorated his birthday cake with his self-portrait.
I don’t know whether he likes this celebration or not(beacuse he was already dead), but I hope so.

The cake lettered ‘Birthday Brothers’ is the first cake that I ordered for this project.

I celebrated them in my way.

「Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in January 27th, 1756.」, digital image, 2022.11.28

― Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a legendary composer of the Classical period.︎︎︎
I specially order this instagram-shaped cake, imagining how his birthday will be if he is alive until now. I gave him an instagram account.

― I took this photograph at the dusty corner of my room.
(In a little bit of shamanistic belief, a possessed shaman prepares food for ancestral rites table. This cake was an offering for him.)

「Eugène Viollet-le-Duc was born in January 27th, 1814.」, digital image, 2022.12.01

―Eugène Viollet-le-Duc wasan French architect who restored many prominent medieval landmarks in in France,
including those which had been damaged or abandoned during the French Revolution.︎︎︎

― The picture on the screen is an alive portrait of Eugène Viollet-le-Duc that was photographed by Nadar︎︎︎.
I brought him up to my desk and celebrated his birthday. The reflection of candlelight looked like really intruded into real him.

― I never clean up my desk.

Different from alive birthday brothers, I had to take their pictures without them.

I reconstructed their self-portait in my own way by using their remnants.

In other words, I re-arrayed their remaining words into my sentence.

< Ask to Birthday Brothers >

I prepared 5 simple questions, planning little interview before shooting.

Please give me a photograph or show your object that you can prove your birth date.
What was the most memorable birthday of yours? Parties or events, person or letter, whatever.
And What was your age at that time?
What do you think about your birthday? Or how you feel about your birthday?
Do you have special wish for your birthday? Or do you pray on your birthday?
Tell me a way you make a wish. And was that realized or not yet?
Is there a story about your birthday number(for example ― 127)?
+ Please let me know if you know others who borned in your birthday.

In my case, answer was like this.

I used to take photographs when time is 01:27 a.m. or p.m. at the moment I am looking at a clock.
When I was 21-years-old, I held a birthday party at an Itawon club called Soap. I invited all my friends and stayed up all night. We drank, we danced, and we went back with hangover. It was few days before I travled to America. The most youthful moment of my life.
I feel special. I feel like to do something special. Even if it is failed, I still feel special on every birthdays. I think I’m still young when I feel this way.
In recent three-years, I’ve been always thought about this project ‘Birthday Brothers’ and hoped to successfully go through the work process.
I guess my wish is going to be realized soon.
Yes, and the number is 1927. This number have great significance for my family because it contains all numbers of my family’s birthday ― my father (27th September), my mother (9th January), and me (27th January). So we have been always used #1927 for our telephone number.
Plus, Seoul is located at 127 degrees east longitude, and I also feel special about number 127. It is my birthday number and also a number for the city I borned in. I know a boy band called ‘NCT 127’ which means they are based in Seoul.
+ I knew one from Visual Department at Hongik University. I am going to contact her.
And I also found a photographer, an architect, and a composer while researching. There is also a soccer player in Seoul.

I received answers from birthday-brothers and used it as clues for planning photographs.
Every subjects were taken in random time·places·occasions according to their schedules and situations.
And this randomness is the important point. 

I interpreted them based only on their interviews.
I usually did not know much about my subjects before shooting.
I even did not know their names, jobs, or ages.

All I knew was the five answers about the birthday.

So to speak, it is not necessary for me to know them deeply.

Their portraits are various version of self-portraits for me.
I projected every ages of ego of mine through these birthday-brothers.

(Dorothea Lange taught me that, “every portrait of another person is a “self-portrait” of the photographer.”
quoted from ︎︎︎Susan Sontag On Photography』, 「Photographic Evangels」, p. 122.)

“The more reflection, the more realization.”

― I felt like I found more ego, whenever I met more birthday-brothers.

 < Birthday Brothers that I alreay know > 

「Lee Hong Yoojin was born in January 27th, 1997.」, digital image, 2022.11.19

― The first living birthday brother was one of my friends.
Before the shooting day, I have not seen her in years.

― As what I think about her was that she always got a lot of plans and goals, I selected the shooting site where has colorful windmills.
(It is in front of a Children’s Museum in my neighborhood. She lived next to my city, so I could easily invited her to here.)

― But she said that she usually wears monotonous clothes and this place not matches her taste.
Howerver I think the colorful place and her grey scale outfit looks harmonized in a unique way.

Then I found a birthday-brother man to man. It was a girl named Lee Hong Yoojin.

She is my friend, and I met her at Hongik University. We both entered the same university in 2016.

She was at Visual Deisgn department, while I was at Industrial Design department.

At that moment, we knew each other through a mutual friend but did not keep in touch with.

But it was memorable for me to find accidentally that her birthday is same with me through a notification via Facebook︎.

I’ve been remembered it, then I recently sent a Direct Message via Instagram︎.

“Could you be my model?” I asked and explained about the project.
She said “Sure!” without hesitation. I was really thankfull.

The most interesting point was that
: Although we graduated high schools and entered the university at the same time
(then we considered as the same age), there is actually one year between us.

This is due to Korean common law called “Early Birthday.”
Semesters in South Korea always starts with spring, usually March.
So it is common for one who is borned in January or February can choose
whether to enter or not to elementary school in its early year. 

This law is abolished now, but still a lot of early birthday people have three kinds of age
: an international age (count 0-year-old as they borned),
a Korean age (count 1-year-old as they borned),
an early birthday age (considered as the same age with their classmates)

For example, I am 24-years-old in international age, 25-years-old in Korean age, and 26-years-old in early birthday age.

I know it looks ridiculous and is really annoying to explain my age in Korea, 
where most people particularly consider age as an important information compared to other countries.
(This social atmosphere is influenced by the Confucianism︎︎︎ culture. It emphasizes to respect older people.)

Recently my country is trying to follow the international age, and abolish other age laws.
But ‘early birthday’ still remains in my generation.

Getting back to my project ―
In my case, I went to school at age 6.
In Yujin’s case, she went to school at age 7.

I borned in 27th, January, 1998.
She borned in 27th, January, 1997.

We are one-year-apart brothers.

“Same age, same birthday, and same college.
ABC between us were same.

「She got a calendar in her last birthday.」, digital image, 2022.11.19

― Yoojin brought her calendar.
And it was a birthday gift from her friend.

― She dipped her finger in the cake and marked January 27th on her calendar to take this photograph.

< Interview of Lee Hong Yoojin >

1. 생일을 인증할 수 있는 사진이나 물건을 보여주실 수 있을까요? (생일 외에 정보를 가린 주민등록증, 여권, 운전면허증 등의 신분증이어도 상관없고, sns 상에 등록해놓은 프로필의 캡처 사진이어도 좋고, 다 좋습니다. 혹시 더 창의적으로 증명할 수 있는 내 생일에 관련된 나만의 물건이 있다면 보여주세요. 생일이 적힌 소품 같은 것도 좋고요.) 
Please give me a photograph or show your object that you can prove your birth date.

면허증 또는 첨부 이미지
a physical driver's license or a captured image of the website ID

2. 인생에서 가장 기억에 남는 생일 축하는 어떤 것이었나요? 생일 선물도 괜찮습니다.
What was the most memorable birthday of yours? Parties or events, person or letter, whatever.

다른 모든 고마운 순간들도 기억에 남지만.. 생일 당일에 친구들과 약속이 파토나서 속상한 마음으로 다른 친구가 알바하는 카페에서 친구를 기다리고 있었는데, 가게에 있던 마들렌에 초 꽂아서 축하해줬던 순간이 지금 당장은 제일 기억에 남아요. 기쁨과 슬픔, 속상함과 감동을 모두 느꼈던 생일은 처음이어서, 더 인상적으로 남는 것 같아요.

I could recall most of my birthdays as thankful and memorable. But the most impressive moment so far was the day I had my birthday party canceled on the very day. After that, I was upset just waiting for another friend in a cafe where she was doing her part-time job. Surprisingly she came to me with a candle lit on a lovely madeleine, which made me almost cry. Since it was the first time I felt happiness, sadness, and ups and downs on a single birthday, I remember the day as the most memorable. And it also shifted my perspective of what birthdays should be.

3. 생일이란 것에 대해 어떻게 생각하시나요? 생일마다 느끼는 기분이라든가, 내 생일 또는 주변 사람의 생일을 중요하게 생각하는 편인지, 별로 신경쓰지 않는 편인지 알려주세요.
What do you think about your birthday? Or how you feel about your birthday?

어릴 때는 생일이 내가 얼마나 사랑받는 사람인지 증명하는 날이라고 생각했어요. 이왕이면 공개적으로 축하받고 싶고, 누군가와 함께 있어야, 축하와 선물을 받아야 생일다운 생일이라고 생각했던 적도 있는데, 나의 행복에 있어 나 스스로보다 타인에 의존하고 있었다는 걸 깨달았어요. 지금은 나부터 스스로를 행복하게 해줘야 한다는 마음이 첫째로 들고, 나만이 온전히 나의 행복과 수요를 안다고 생각해요.

그래서 생일 하루는 내가 나를 위한 일정을 계획하고, 이벤트를 만들고, 스스로 서운하게 하지 않으려, 온전히 행복한 날로 만드려고 노력해요. 머리를 하러 가거나, 피부과 관리를 받거나, 파인다이닝, 사고싶던 고가의 물건을 구매하거나, 일기 쓰면서 한 해 계획하고, 저녁에 친구를 만나는 등 기분좋은 계획들로 하루를 채운 다음 하나씩 실행해 나가는 게 제 기준 행복한 생일입니다.

제가 받으면 꼭 돌려주어야 마음이 편한 사람이라서 제 생일을 챙겨준 주변 사람들을 저도 반대로 챙기려 노력하는 것 같아요. 솔직히 선물은 안 주고 안 받는 게 편해요. 저는 왠만한 건 다 이미 있고, 제 취향과 필요는 제가 제일 잘 알아서요. 그럼에도 생각치 못하게 연락주는 친구들 보면 고맙고 늘 감동이에요. 저도 그렇게 생일에 마음을 전할 수 있는 따뜻한 사람이 되자고 매년 다짐하게 돼요.

When I was younger, I used to think that a birthday was a day for self-proving how much others loved me. I preferred to be celebrated openly, surrounded by others, and given gifts and celebrations. I thought that is how birthdays should be celebrated. However, I realized I was relying on others for happiness rather than myself. After the story of the day above, I shifted my point of view to proactively make myself happier because I was the only one who knew how to have a fulfilling and wonderful birthday. Since then, I have planned my birthdays by preparing events for myself. For example, I would love to get my hair done, get my skin taken care of, experience excellent dining, go shopping from my wish list, and so on. I also like to make annual plans, see exhibitions, or meet my close friends on the day. I filled up my birthday with the happiest to-do lists and then checked them out one by one. By the way, I get really moved by congratulating messages on my birthdays. I try to remember theirs and celebrate back because I am the type of person who has to give back what I have received. I prefer messages to gifts because I have all the items I need or want. Through every birthday, the people around me influence me to be a caring, warm-hearted, and sincere person, just like them.

4. 아직 못이룬 생일에 대한 로망이 있나요? 인생의 몇번째 1월 27일 쯤에 (그러니까 몇 살 쯤에) 언제 어디서 어떻게 누구와 무엇을 하고 싶은가요? 또 받고 싶은 생일 선물이 있나요? 막연한 상상도 좋습니다. 없다면 생일날 비는 소원 내용에 대해 말해줄 수 있나요?
Do you have special wish for your birthday? Or do you pray on your birthday? Tell me a way you make a wish. And was that realized or not yet?

생일에 대한 로망은 없지만, 앞으로 다가올 저의 가까운 미래에 대한 기대감은 있어요. 생일을 맞이한다는 게 해가 바뀌고 나이를 더 먹는 것과 관련이 있잖아요. 내년 생일에는 지금 회사에서 주도적으로 재밌는 작업하는 제 모습을 그리고, 내후년 생일에는 서울로 이사를 준비하는 저의 모습, 그 후년에는 회사에서 나와 프리랜서로 활동하는 모습을 그리고 있어요. :)

I have no specific expectations for my birthday, but there are for my near future. You know, having a birthday means turning a year older. I could imagine myself leading projects at my work in a year and loving to do my job. I could see myself moving to Seoul with my family in two years. I plan to work as a freelance designer and photographer in three years. :)

5. ’127’이라는 생일 숫자와 관련된 에피소드가 있을까요?
Is there a story about your birthday number(for example ― 127)?

어릴 때부터 습관적으로 몇몇 웹사이트 아이디를 dldbwls127로 쓰고 있어요. dldbwls은 개명 전 이름인 이유진을 영문으로 타이핑한 글자에요.

I usually use 'dldbwls127' for website IDs, which is a combination of my Korean name typed in English and my birth date.

(*When I met her first, her former name was 'Yoojin Lee,' but she changed her name to 'Yoojin Hong Lee.' It is common to use the father's first name in South Korea for his/her entire life. Not like the US, the first name doesn't change after marriage. In her case, 'Lee' is her given name, and 'Hong' is her mother's first name, so she used 'Hong' as a middle name. It makes her name unique and distinctive from other 'Yoojin's, while Yoojin is a widespread name in my generation—in my case, I know five 'Yoojin' around me.)

+) 태어나서 생일이 같은 사람을 마주치거나 알게 된 적 있나요? 저 말고요. 있다면 소개해주세요.
+) Please let me know if you know others who borned in your birthday.

페이스북에 생일 같은 사람을 검색해보니 같은 과 15학번 선배인 구민지 언니가 나왔어요. 개인적으로 아는 사이는 아니라 연락처는 없네요.

After I received this question, I searched via Facebook for the 'birthday brothers' and found an alumnus named Minji Koo. But unfortunately, we don't have any contact points.

       < Birthday Brothers that I asked around> 

      「Koo Minji was born in January 27th, 1995.」, digital image, 2022.12.06.

      ― Next to Yoojin, it was Koo Minji, one of my alumni introduced from Yoojin.
      I finally contacted with her acrossed two of my colleagues one year ahead of me in school.

      ― According to the interview, her boyfriend was begging for a car and she was really annoyed.
      I ordered this car-shaped cake (especially the model that he want) to console her.

      After interviewing Yoojin, I immediately tried to get in touch with the next birthday-brother, Koo Minji.
      I’ve never heard about her before Yoojin noticed me.
      I asked around for Minji’s contact information, then finally got a chatting ID after asking two of friends who entered the university at the same year with her. (They are all one-grade-higher than me.)

      And then I asked, she instantly allowed for me to take portraits of her.
      Yoojin and Minji were both art university students, so they understood me very well.
      I was really appreciate for them to not even hesitate to be photographed.

      < Interview of Koo Minji >

      1. 생일을 인증할 수 있는 사진이나 물건을 보여주실 수 있을까요? (생일 외에 정보를 가린 주민등록증, 여권, 운전면허증 등의 신분증이어도 상관없고, sns 상에 등록해놓은 프로필의 캡처 사진이어도 좋고, 다 좋습니다. 혹시 더 창의적으로 증명할 수 있는 내 생일에 관련된 나만의 물건이 있다면 보여주세요. 생일이 적힌 소품 같은 것도 좋고요.)
      Please give me a photograph or show your object that you can prove your birth date.

      (*ID card shows her name and birth date.)

      2. 인생에서 가장 기억에 남는 생일 축하는 어떤 것이었나요? 생일 선물도 괜찮습니다.
      What was the most memorable birthday of yours? Parties or events, person or letter, whatever.

      초등학생때 부모님이 부부싸움해서 너무 슬펐는데 저녁에 아빠가 케잌사왔어요. 그게 제껀줄알았는데 엄마한테 주는거여서 서러워서 울었던 기억이 나요. રલાે 저도 똑같이 무신경한 어른으로 자라서 뭐라 할수가 없네요 피는 못속인다..

      When I was a child, my parents had a quarrel, so I was really upset. Then my father brought me a cake, and I thought it was my birthday cake, but it was actually for my mother. I cried and threw a tantrum at that time. Büt what I think now is that I became an insensitive type of person as my parents do. So I am not afford to blame for them ... As the saying is ‘Blood is thicker than water’... Our family are much alike in character.

      3. 생일이란 것에 대해 어떻게 생각하시나요? 생일마다 느끼는 기분이라든가, 내 생일 또는 주변 사람의 생일을 중요하게 생각하는 편인지, 별로 신경쓰지 않는 편인지 알려주세요.
      What do you think about your birthday? Or how you feel about your birthday?

      저는 딱히 신경쓰는거 귀찮은데 주변사람들이 챙겨주는게 고마워서 저도 최대한 챙기려고 해요. 친한친구가 저까지 세명인 데 셋다겨울아이라서 몰아서 하루에 챙긴답니다. 조금있으면 남자친구 생일인데 포르쉐 박스터를 사달라고해서 한숨만 나오 네요. 몬가 생일이라서 해주는것보다는 저한테 중요한 몇몇한테는 평소에나 기분내킬때 잘해주는편인것 같아요. 생일이라서 특별하게 막 해주는거는 성격상 안맞음.

      I am not a type of person who take cares about birthdays, but I am trying to return peoples’ favor. And I have two best friends and we all borned in winter, so we always hold a birthday party in one day. Now my boyfriend’s birthday is coming, and he is begging me for a Porsche Boxer, it makes me let out a sigh. Anyway, for me, it is more important to treat nice toward my people in usual days rather than in their birthdays. Birthday is not that special thing for me.

      4. 아직 못이룬 생일에 대한 로망이 있나요? 인생의 몇번째 1월 27일 쯤에 (그러니까 몇 살 쯤에) 언제 어디서 어떻게 누구와 무엇을 하고 싶은가요? 또 받고 싶은 생일 선물이 있나요? 막연한 상상도 좋습니다. 없다면 생일날 비는 소원 내용에 대해 말해줄 수 있나요?
      Do you have special wish for your birthday? Or do you pray on your birthday? Tell me a way you make a wish. And was that realized or not yet?

      생일선물로 누가 강남에 빌딩하나 주면 좋겠어요. 꼭 빌딩아니어도 집한채정도면 괜찮은데 주실분?

      I wish a building in Gangnam. No, just a house is OK, even if it is not a building. Is there anyone affordable for this? Call me.
      (*Gangnam is famous for its highly expensive costs for houses.)

      5. ’127’이라는 생일 숫자와 관련된 에피소드가 있을까요?
      Is there a story about your birthday number(for example ― 127)?

      NCT 유닛명이 127 이길래 저 숫자의 의미는 뭘까 생각한적있음. 귀찮아서 찾아보진 못함 ᅮᅮ

      I heard about a K-pop boyband named NCT 127 but I don’t know why it is called. I was not that eager to search. (tearing emoticon)

      +) 태어나서 생일이 같은 사람을 마주치거나 알게 된 적 있나요? 저 말고요. 있다면 소개해주세요.
      Please let me know if you know others who borned in your birthday.

      +) 저 좋아하는 오빠 생일이 저랑 같아서 신기했는데 ”우리 운명인가?“ 하고 느끼하게 작업해서 좀 기분 나빴음

      Once I crushed on a ‘oppa’ whose birthday was same with me, but I fell completely out of love with him when he said “We are destiny,” in a cloying manner.

      「Her boyfriend was begging her for a car.」, digital image, 2022.12.06.

      ― According to her interview, she was annoyed of her boyfriend begging for a car.
      So I gave her a car-shaped cake on a shooting day and suggested her for giving him the cake instead of a real car for upcoming his birthday, and she was satisfied with my solution.

      ― She had no idea about memorable birthday gifts or relative stuffs. I didn’t force to make one. So I took this photograph of the car-shaped cake instead.

      ― The funny thing is that this car is not hers, actually mine. And the namecard in the photograph is my dad’s.
      I like that the three products(cake, car, and namecard) have different owner as my works focused on relationships between people·products·photographs.

      「She took a self-portrait in the last birthday.」, digital image, 2023.01.14

      ― There was two people between Chaewon and me. She visited my workroom with her friend.
      We’ve got a teatime, broke the ice, and talked about this project. They were both graduated from Visual Communication Design at a university near by mine.

      「Lee Chaewon borned in January 27th, 2000.」, digital image, 2023.01.14

      ― At first, she was reluctant to be photographed. Then I gauranteed her that I’ll take her picture in a way of not showing her face directly as I strived to respect every model’s characteristic. If I compelled to being photographed in a specific way, it is a violence, not a work.

      ― After an hour we met and had a conversation in the shooting day, she said she doesn’t mind about recealing her face. I guessed the portraits of other birthday brothers moved her heart.

      ― This is an attic bedroom in my workroom. Everything in this photograph is mine, and she was just invited in my personal space for a while.

      < Interview of Lee Chaewon >

      1. 생일을 인증할 수 있는 사진이나 물건을 보여주실 수 있을까요? (생일 외에 정보를 가린 주민등록증, 여권, 운전면허증 등의 신분증이어도 상관없고, sns 상에 등록해놓은 프로필의 캡처 사진이어도 좋고, 다 좋습니다. 혹시 더 창의적으로 증명할 수 있는 내 생일에 관련된 나만의 물건이 있다면 보여주세요. 생일이 적힌 소품 같은 것도 좋고요.)
      Please give me a photograph or show your object that you can prove your birth date.

      2. 인생에서 가장 기억에 남는 생일 축하는 어떤 것이었나요? 생일 선물도 괜찮습니다.
      What was the most memorable birthday of yours? Parties or events, person or letter, whatever.

      아무래도 가장 최근인, 올해 생일이 기억에 남는 것 같아요. 2022년 1월 27일이요! 인턴을 하고 있어서 출근을 했는데, 인턴 동기가 생일 케이크를 해줘서 정말 깜짝 놀랐던 기억이 있습니다. 생일 앞뒤로도 가족들과, 친구들과, 지인들과 생일 케이크를 했는데, 해가 거듭될수록 아는 사람도 많아지고 가까운 사람들과도 관계가 더 깊어져서 올해는 더 행복한 생일을 보낼 수 있지 않았나 싶습니다.

      It is the most recent birthday, in this year ― January 27th in 2022! I’m interning now, so when I went to the workplace on my birthday, one of my coworkers gave me a birthday cake. It was a surprising event. And also, I got other parties with my family, friends, and people around me before and after the day. As years go by, there are more people that I’ve got in touch with in deeper relations. I guess it makes me get happier birthday in this year.

      3. 생일이란 것에 대해 어떻게 생각하시나요? 생일마다 느끼는 기분이라든가, 내 생일 또는 주변 사람의 생일을 중요하게 생각하는 편인지, 별로 신경쓰지 않는 편인지 알려주세요.
      What do you think about your birthday? Or how you feel about your birthday?

      조금 민망하긴 하지만, 사실 새해가 되면 그때부터 생일을 맞이할 준비를 하는 것 같아요. 생일이 1월이어서 1월이 좋아지기도 했고, 더 특별하게 느끼는 것 같기도 해요. 다른 사람들은 어떨지 모르겠지만 저는 제 생일 숫자를 좋아해서 127이라는 숫자를 보거나 발견하면 왠지 모르게 힘을 얻는 것 같습니다.

      저에게 있어서 만큼은 그날이 저의 하루이고, 제가 주인공이라고 생각해서, 남들에게는 특별하지 않은 평범한 날일지라도 저는 그 하루를 재미있고 특별한 하루로 만드려고 노력하는 것 같습니다. 그래서 주변 사람들의 생일도 똑같다고 생각해요. 친한 친구나 가족의 생일인 날에는 그 사람이 누구보다 행복한 하루를 보냈으면 좋겠고, 저 또한 그 하루를 누군가의 특별한 날이라고 생각하며 기분 좋게 보내려고 하는 것 같아요. 그 사람의 생일을 축복하면서요.

      It is embarrased to say, a little, but honestly I wait for my birthday since new year is coming. I feel like something familiar and special to January among 12 months because of my birthday. I don’t know how others think or feel, but I got power from my birthday or when seeing birthday number 127.

      To me, it is the day for me, and I feel like I am the main character of this day. I tried to make this special day special even if it looks like not special for others. So I think peoples’ birthdays around me are as special as my birthday. I really wish for them to having a happier day than ever, and I also tried to have a good day myself, thinking that ‘today is a special day for someone,’ and celebrate them.

      4. 아직 못이룬 생일에 대한 로망이 있나요? 인생의 몇번째 1월 27일 쯤에 (그러니까 몇 살 쯤에) 언제 어디서 어떻게 누구와 무엇을 하고 싶은가요? 또 받고 싶은 생일 선물이 있나요? 막연한 상상도 좋습니다. 없다면 생일날 비는 소원 내용에 대해 말해줄 수 있나요?
      Do you have special wish for your birthday? Or do you pray on your birthday? Tell me a way you make a wish. And was that realized or not yet?

      구체적인 생일에 대한 로망은 없지만, 미래에 제 생일을 함께 하는 사람들이 누구일지도 궁금하네요. 선물도 그 선물이 무엇이냐 보다는 선물을 주는 사람의 마음이 더 중요하다고 생각하기 때문에, 딱히 받고 싶은 선물은 없는 것 같아요.

      생일날에는 보통 저의 미래에 대한 소원, 그리고 주변 사람들의 건강과 행복을 비는 것 같습니다. 내년 생일에는 대학을 졸업하고 앞으로 원하는 일을 재미있게 하자고 스스로에게 말해줄 것 같아요.

      I don’t have, but I wonder who will be with my birthday in future. And I don’t have any wish-lists neither because I think the real gift comes from the heart. It doesn’t matter what it is.

      Usually I wish for my future and for my people to be happy and healthy. In next year, I want to say for myself, “Let me graduate the school and keep going for my career wth pleasure.”

      5. ’127’이라는 생일 숫자와 관련된 에피소드가 있을까요?
      Is there a story about your birthday number(for example ― 127)?

      127과 관련된 에피소드는 아니지만 1월에 태어나서 겪게 된 다양한 에피소드들은 있습니다. 한국에서는 흔히 ‘빠른’이라고 부르는 빠른 년생이어서, 20살이 되던 해에는 친구들과 같이 술을 마시러 가기도 정말 힘들었어요. 그래서 친구들이 21살이 되던 해부터 저는 마음 놓고 술집에 갈 수 있었죠. 그 때는 빠른 년생이어서 좋은 점이 없었지만, 나이가 들수록 빠른 년생인게 심리적으로 안정감을 줄 때가 있는 것 같아요. “괜찮아, 난 아직 23이야.” 라고 말하면서 사회의 다양한 압박 속에서 자기합리화를 하곤 합니다. 앞으로 나이가 들면 들수록 빠른 년생인게 더 좋아질 것 같네요 :)

      I have a story which is not related to 127, but to ‘Early Birthday.’ When I entered the university, I was the only 18-years-old among the 19-years-old or olders. So it was really difficult to enter pubs. It was allowed for me to drink after I became a sophomore. In that time, there was no advantage from ‘Early Birthday,’ but now, as I got aged, it gives some types of comfort to me. For example, I said ‘It is okay, I am just 23-years-old,’ to save myself from social pressure. I know it is just a self-justification, but it makes me feel better when I got a slump. I expect to utilize it as my age will getting older. :)

      (*In South Korea, under age 18 is legally minor. So the most people who have ‘Early Birthday’ are still minors of they get into the university right after the high school graduation.)

      +) 태어나서 생일이 같은 사람을 마주치거나 알게 된 적 있나요? 저 말고요. 있다면 소개해주세요.
      Please let me know if you know others who borned in your birthday.

      +) 이름이 똑같은 사람은 몇 번 만나봤지만, 아직까지 생일이 같은 사람을 마주친 적은 없습니다. 마주치게 된다면 엄청난 내적 친밀감을 느끼면서도 기분이 싱숭생숭할 것 같아요.

      I haven’t seen before. I know some people whose names are same with me, but there was no one for the birthday. If I meet one, I will feel closeness inwardly, but also feel restless.

      light it up, digital image, 2023.01.14

      To meet more birthday-brothers, I asked around whenever possible.
      I chattered about this project to all my friends. However, it was not easy to find models.

      I advertised again and again.

      So I made a missing poster and spread it.

      Missing January 27th Birthday Brothers

      Hi. I am a student who is preparing a graduate school for photography.
      And my project is portraits of people who have the same birthday with me.
      If you have any information about my birthday brothers, please contact the below phone number.

      If you mind to be your face on, I can take pictures without revealing your face.
      You can see my completed pictures through the below website address.

      phone number : 010 - 4348 - 1927
      website :

      「missing birthday brothers」, digital image, 2022.12.07

      ― While putting posters, some men and women stopped to walk and stared at the posters for a while.
      And a boy asked me about the usage and shooting place of my project. It was a larger attention than I expected.

      ― This wall was a fake wall for hiding a construction site.
      So I asked a construction manager for allowing my posteres stay there.
      He gladly accepted after explaining the projects, but did not sure for how long it will be kept without damage.

      ― My knees were conflicted with my ladder and it made a bruise(the image is on my lockscreen and behind-the-scenes. It's an wound of glory to meeting more birthday brothers.)

      The next birthday brothers was the boy who asked few questions while I putting posters on the street wall.

      He asked, “Where do you use this photographs?,” and “Do you usually photograph nearby the city?”.
      I answered, “Now I am preparing to attend a graduate school abroad,” and “Yes, my workroom is in this city,” 

      I expected an answer that his birthday is same with me.
      However, he suddenly walked away with his airpods on his ear, without any more questions.

      (Later, in the shooting day, he said that he wanted to be photographed right away in the day we met on the street.
      But he couldn’t because he was on the way back home after playing soccer. He didn’t want to be photographed in a sweating appearance.)

      After just one day, someone followed me on instagram︎.
      And its ID was ended with 0127. I knew instinctively that it was him.

      So I followed him back rightaway, and then gave him first through DM.
      He said he will think about being a model, and I am waiting for him.

      「Kwon Hyeokjun was born in January 27th, 1997.」, digital image, 2023.01.01

      ― I asked him to wear his headphone as usual, and he wore it like a “Hellboy.”
      I questioned “why you wore like that? I mean ... I saw not only you, but, other people also did like that.”
      He answered “I didn’t see anyone doing like this except for me,” and “You know, people wore heavy clothes in winter and it is not comfy to hang it on one’s neck.  I cannot wear headphone anymore, in other ways, since I once hung it on my head and it feels comfy.”

      Waiting for twenty days, I finally received “Okay,” from him.

      Then he instantly answered to my interview in few minutes.

      < Interview of Kwon Hyeokjun >

      1. 생일을 인증할 수 있는 사진이나 물건을 보여주실 수 있을까요? (생일 외에 정보를 가린 주민등록증, 여권, 운전면허증 등의 신분증이어도 상관없고, sns 상에 등록해놓은 프로필의 캡처 사진이어도 좋고, 다 좋습니다. 혹시 더 창의적으로 증명할 수 있는 내 생일에 관련된 나만의 물건이 있다면 보여주세요. 생일이 적힌 소품 같은 것도 좋고요.)
      Please give me a photograph or show your object that you can prove your birth date.

      제 인스타 아이디요

      my insta ID

      (*without pictures)
      2. 인생에서 가장 기억에 남는 생일 축하는 어떤 것이었나요? 생일 선물도 괜찮습니다.
      What was the most memorable birthday of yours? Parties or events, person or letter, whatever.

      3년전쯤에 받은 헤드폰이 제일 좋았던거 같아요

      Maybe the headphone I got about 3 years ago

      3. 생일이란 것에 대해 어떻게 생각하시나요? 생일마다 느끼는 기분이라든가, 내 생일 또는 주변 사람의 생일을 중요하게 생각하는 편인지, 별로 신경쓰지 않는 편인지 알려주세요.
      What do you think about your birthday? Or how you feel about your birthday?

      별 대수롭지 않게 생각하는거 같아요. 대신 제 생일을 축하해준 사람의 생일은 신경쓸라합니다

      I don’t care much. Instead, I try to care about birthdays of people who celebrate my one

      4. 아직 못이룬 생일에 대한 로망이 있나요? 인생의 몇번째 1월 27일 쯤에 (그러니까 몇 살 쯤에) 언제 어디서 어떻게 누구와 무엇을 하고 싶은가요? 또 받고 싶은 생일 선물이 있나요? 막연한 상상도 좋습니다. 없다면 생일날 비는 소원 내용에 대해 말해줄 수 있나요?
      Do you have special wish for your birthday? Or do you pray on your birthday? Tell me a way you make a wish. And was that realized or not yet?

      연인이든 친구든 그냥 제가 좋아하는 사람들과 즐거운 시간을 보내고 싶습니다

      I want to spend a good time with my people ― a lover or friends

      5. ’127’이라는 생일 숫자와 관련된 에피소드가 있을까요?
      Is there a story about your birthday number(for example ― 127)?


      Nothing special ...

      +) 태어나서 생일이 같은 사람을 마주치거나 알게 된 적 있나요? 저 말고요. 있다면 소개해주세요.
      Please let me know if you know others who borned in your birthday.

      (*Not Answered)

      「His bag and headphone were his birthday presents.」, digital image, 2023.01.01

      ― He brought a small bag (the bag was also a gift for his birthday), and there was a book and a sharp pencil for bookmarking, a hand cream, a lip balm, a pack of flu medicine, and the headphone he mentioned in the interview.

      In addition to taking his portrait, his IG made me come out with new idea for finding more birthday brothers.

      I typed ‘0127’ on Instagram and searched people who use the number to make their ID.

      They would be also my birthday brothers with high probability.

      My friend Hwang Dayee stayed in Bali for 6 months, and she said she could put posters in there.
      So the missing posters are also designed in English and Balinese language.

       missing posters in Bali, digital image, 2022.12.23

      ― One of my friends put  posters in Bali and sent this pictures to me.

      I’m waiting for some contacts via WhatsApp︎.

      Plus, I also actively used the Internet to introduce my project

      through a magazine interview︎︎︎ · Youtube ︎︎︎︎ · Instagram ︎ · Google Ads.

       a magazine interview︎︎︎


      Q. What is your recent interest?

      A. It is my ongoing project titled Birthday Brothers, a series of portraits. I’ve always wanted sisters and brothers as I am an only child. So I decided to forge fraternal connections between subjects and the photographer through this project.

      I started with my self-portrait, and now looking for subjects whose birthday is same with me. I hope to meet various people and take pictures of them. These portraits will indicate various people, but I believe it is also the several versions of my self-portraits ― by reflecting myself through the subjects. So I expect myself for the results. Please give me a contact if your birthday is January 27th. I ask you a favor to be my model. In the end of this project, I’m going to photograph a group portrait of all birthday brothers by inviting a grand birthday party.

      Another interest was the plan of this year: ① to open a portfolio website and ② to make personal Youtube channel. I set it out smoothly and gradually, and now they’re in progess. In the website, I strived to archive every photographs I took (either it is commercial or personal / art or design), and additionally, to scrap books·movies·photographers or my study, etc. I utilize my website as efficient as possible. So once you visit my website, you could sightseeing my completed and ongoing works. As you know, some sorts of SNSs are often annoying to be uploaded because it required to care about other’s eyes, but my personal website make me more comfortable as it is personal space(still where everyone can visit in everywhere, everytime). That’s the satisfying point with my website.

       Youtube ︎︎︎︎ 

      ― I uploaded an explanation video for finding more birthday-brothers, but there wasn’t any contact yet.

       Google Ads 

      ― I also advertised my website and project on Google, but there was no contact, neither.

       School Community 

      ― I also advertised on Evertime, an anonymous SNS for each university.

      Through the online school community, I got two more contacts.

      The first contact was from a current student of my university.

      She immediately contacted me through instagram, and I got interview answers online before shooting.

      「Lee Yubin was born in January 27th, 2001.」, digital image, 2022.12.28

      ― We met in our university after the semeter was ended.

      < Interview of Lee Yubin >

      1. 생일을 인증할 수 있는 사진이나 물건을 보여주실 수 있을까요? (생일 외에 정보를 가린 주민등록증, 여권, 운전면허증 등의 신분증이어도 상관없고, sns 상에 등록해놓은 프로필의 캡처 사진이어도 좋고, 다 좋습니다. 혹시 더 창의적으로 증명할 수 있는 내 생일에 관련된 나만의 물건이 있다면 보여주세요. 생일이 적힌 소품 같은 것도 좋고요.)
      Please give me a photograph or show your object that you can prove your birth date.

      제 돌잔치 때 사진입니다!
      It is a picture of my first birthday party!

      2. 인생에서 가장 기억에 남는 생일 축하는 어떤 것이었나요? 생일 선물도 괜찮습니다.
      What was the most memorable birthday of yours? Parties or events, person or letter, whatever.

      올해 생일을 친언니랑 보냈었습니다! 언니가 생일선물로 염색도 시켜주고 빕스에 가서 스테이크도 사줬었는데요 제가 염색을 해본 것도 처음이었고 빕스에서 스테이크를 시켜먹어본 것도 처음이었어서 무척 기억에 남습니다.

      In this year, I spent time with my older sister in my birthday. She paid for my hair dying and bought a coarse meal at a family restraurent. It was the first time for everything, so it was really memorable.

      3. 생일이란 것에 대해 어떻게 생각하시나요? 생일마다 느끼는 기분이라든가, 내 생일 또는 주변 사람의 생일을 중요하게 생각하는 편인지, 별로 신경쓰지 않는 편인지 알려주세요.
      What do you think about your birthday? Or how you feel about your birthday?

      저에게 생일은 항상 묘한 것 같습니다. 사실 내가 아무렇지 않게 보내는 364일이 누군가에겐 생일이고 특별한 날일 수 있듯이 내 생일도 결국 누군가에겐 스쳐지나가는 날들 중 하나라 생각하면 그리 대단히 여길 날은 아니라고 생각하다가도 누가 내 생일을 기억해주고 축하해주었나 기대하게 되는 모순적인 날인 것 같아요.

      Birthday is a little bit strange thing for me in a good way. 364 days ― except for “my” birthday, ― are just ordinary days for me while it is special for others when it is one’s birthday. It is a paradox.

      4. 아직 못이룬 생일에 대한 로망이 있나요? 인생의 몇번째 1월 27일 쯤에 (그러니까 몇 살 쯤에) 언제 어디서 어떻게 누구와 무엇을 하고 싶은가요? 또 받고 싶은 생일 선물이 있나요? 막연한 상상도 좋습니다. 없다면 생일날 비는 소원 내용에 대해 말해줄 수 있나요?
      Do you have special wish for your birthday? Or do you pray on your birthday? Tell me a way you make a wish. And was that realized or not yet?

      구체적으로 정해둔 시기는 없지만 제가 정말 좋아하는 사람과 행복한 하루를 보내고 싶어요. 얼마 전에 삿포로를 다녀왔는데 제가 평소에 눈을 좋아하지 않음에도 불구하고 풍경이 너무 예뻐서 감탄이 절로 나오더라구요. 그러다가 인스타에서 이병률 시인의 '삿포로에 갈까요 이 말은 당신을 좋아한다는 말입니다.'라는 구절을 알게 되었는데 너무 낭만적이다라는 생각이 들었어요. 그래서 제가 정말 좋아하는 사람과 제 생일날에 삿포로에 가서 눈을 보고 싶다는 로망이 생겼습니다. 한편으로 이 프로젝트를 진행하시는 걸 보니 나랑 생일이 같은 사람과 몇명 모여서 파티를 해보고 싶다는 생각도 들어요!

      I really want to spend my birthday with the most loved one and it doesn’t matter when it is. Lately, I’ve been to Sapporo and it was so beautiful snowy spectacle in there, even though I didn’t usually like weather with snow. Then I saw a line from a Lee Byeongryul’s poem via Instagram, and the line was “Shall we go to Sapporo / This means that I love you.” I thought this is so romantic. So I wish I could go to Sapporo with my loved one in my future birthday. Additionally, now I want a birthday party with birthday brothers as you planned!

      5. ’127’이라는 생일 숫자와 관련된 에피소드가 있을까요?
      Is there a story about your birthday number(for example ― 127)?

      고등학교 때 NCT127이라는 그룹을 알게 되었었는데 127이라는 숫자가 서울의 경도를 뜻하는 것이라는 것을 알게 되고 127이라는 숫자가 더 의미있게 느껴졌던 기억이 있습니다.

      I heard about a K-pop boyband named NCT 127 when I was a high school student. It means the longitude of Seoul and this makes me feel more special about my birthday number.

      +) 태어나서 생일이 같은 사람을 마주치거나 알게 된 적 있나요? 저 말고요. 있다면 소개해주세요.
      Please let me know if you know others who borned in your birthday.

      +) 올해 1학기 학기 초부터 친하게 지낸 선배가 있는데 얼마 전에 그 선배랑 생일이 똑같다는 것을 알게 되고 너무 신기하고 놀랐던 기억이 있습니다!

      I met an one-grade-higher student in this early year, then I recently knew that our birthday is the same. It was surprised and amazing!

      I was curious about the poem after she mentioned. So I searched it on the net.

      11월과 12월 사이를 좋아합니다. 그건 당신을 좋아한다는 말입니다.

      조금씩 눈비가 뿌리고 있으니 어쩌면 잠시 후에 눈송이로 바뀌어 이 저녁을 온통 하얗게 뒤덮을지도 모르니 이곳 강변의 여관에서 자고 가기로 합니다. 창문을 열어놓고 맥주를 한 병 마시는데 몸이 술을 마시지 말라고 하네요. 이야기할 사람이 없으면 술을 마시지 말라고 몸이 말을 걸어 옵니다. 그럼요, 술은 정말정말 좋은 사람이랑 같이 하지 않으면 그냥 물이지요. 수돗물.

      언제였던가요. 덕유산에서 삼 개월을 여행자로 지낸 적이 있는데 매일매일 폭설이었고 나 또한 매일매일 눈사람이었습니다. 그 시간, 나는 모든 것을 받아들일 준비를 하고 있었는지도 모르겠어요. 인생의 진하디진한 어떤 예감 같은 거요. 그 후로 나에게 생긴 병이 있다면 눈을 찾아 자주 길을 나선다는 것. 누군 병이라지만 그렇게 나쁘지만은 않은 병이겠죠.
      매일매일 폭설을 기다리다 드디어 폭설을 만났습니다. 요즘 저의 근황을 이야기하자면 매일매일 폭설 중이라는 겁니다. 이리도 폭설 중인데 무엇이 저를 일으켜 세울 수 있을까요. 폭설이 두 눈으로 들이치는데 어떻게 한발짝이라도 나아갈 수 있을까요. 놀랍네요, 이런 기적들이, 괜찮네요.

      우리 천 살까지 만나 살까요. 그러면 어떨까요.

      이러면 어떨까요. 모두를 던지는 거예요.
      그 다음은 그 이후의 모두를 단단히 잠그는 거예요.

      삿포로에 갈까요. 멍을 덮으러, 열을 덮으러 삿포로에 가서 쏟아지는 눈발을 보며 술을 마실까요. 술을 마시러 갈 땐 이 동네에서 저 동네로 스키를 타고 이동하는 거예요. 전나무에서 떨어지는 눈폭탄도 맞으면서요. 동물의 발자국을 따라 조금만 가다가 조금만 환해지는 거예요.
      하루에 일 미터씩 눈이 내리고 천 일 동안 천 미터의 눈이 쌓여도 우리는 가만히 부둥켜안고 있을까요.
      미끄러지는 거예요. 눈이 내리는 날에만 바깥으로 나가요. 하고 싶은 것들을 묶어두면 안 되겠죠. 서로가 서로에 대해 절망한 것을 사과할 일도 없으며, 세상 모두가 흰색이니 의심도 서로 없겠죠. 우리가 선명해지기 위해서라기보다 모호해지기 위해서라도 삿포로는 딱이네요.
      당신의 많은 부분들. 한숨을 내쉬지 않고는 열거할 수 없는 당신의 소중한 부분들까지도. 당신은 단 하나인데 나는 여럿이어서, 당신은 죄가 없고 나는 죄가 여럿인 것까지도 눈 속에 단단히 파묻고 오겠습니다.

      삿포로에 갈까요.
      이 말은 당신을 좋아한다는 말입니다.

      ― 『바람이 분다 당신이 좋다』, 이병률.


      I like the days between November and December. It means that I like you.

      Snow and rain dropped little by little maybe it will be turned into snowflakes and cover this night white I decide to stay at the riverside motel in here. Let window opened and  now I am sipping a bottle of beer my body said me to not drink. Body said not to drink when there is no person to talk with. Or course, drink is just water, tap water. ― if it is not with good, really good people.

      Some time ago. I was a traveler ofr three monthes in Deogyusan it was snowy everyday and I was also a snowman everday. That time, I wonder I prepared for accepting everything. A life feeling in my bones. After that there is a sick for hit-the-road often to meet snow. Someone called it’s illness but it is not that bad.
      Waiting for snowfall day by day and finally met snowfall. To talk about my recent story I am everyday snowfaling. What could stand me up while this snowfall. How could I go step by step though the snowfall is coming into my eyes. Amazing, this miracles, nice.

      Could we met and lived until we get thousand-years-old. Would you like.

      How about this. Just throwing altogether.
      Then the next is to hardly lock after everything.

      Shall we go to Sapporo. To cover black eye, to cover fever shall we go Sapporo and go for a drink to watch falling snow flurries. When we go to drink we gonna ski from this town to that town. Getting snow-bombed on from fir trees. The little more steps following footprints of animal, the little more lights.
      Snow falls one meter a day and thousand meters for thoudand days shall we still cuddle with each other.
      Slipping. Going outside only when it is a snowing day. May not tie to-do-things up. No apologize for despire to each other, then no doubt about each other as everything is white in the world. To be blurred rather than to be sharpened Sapporo is the best for us.
      Many parts of yours. Precious parts of yours that cannot be mentioned one by one without taking breath. You are the only one and I am a lot of ones, you are the innocent and I am a lot of guilt I will bury into snow.

      Shall we go to Sapporo.
      This means I love you.

      ― 『Wind blows Love you』 , Lee Byeongryul.

      「She met a poem in Sapporo.」, digital image, 2022.12.28

      ― I gave her the book of poem she mentioned in the interview as an early birthday present.

      She was a junior student in Electric Engineering major, and this year was the first in-person class to her because of COVID-19. (I got this information through the 3-hours conversation in a school cafeteria after shooting. It was a longer time than the shooting.) So she didn’t know much about the campus like a freshmen.

      We met in our university campus and took this photographs.
      The school was really quiet and calm as the plan of this year was completely overed.

      And she also connected me to the man she mentioned in the interview.

      「Yang Chanyoung borned in January 27th, 1998.」, digital image, 2023.01.07

      He was the first birthday brother whose year-of-birth is also same with mine.

      < Interview of Yang Chanyoung>

      1. 생일을 인증할 수 있는 사진이나 물건을 보여주실 수 있을까요? (생일 외에 정보를 가린 주민등록증, 여권, 운전면허증 등의 신분증이어도 상관없고, sns 상에 등록해놓은 프로필의 캡처 사진이어도 좋고, 다 좋습니다. 혹시 더 창의적으로 증명할 수 있는 내 생일에 관련된 나만의 물건이 있다면 보여주세요. 생일이 적힌 소품 같은 것도 좋고요.)
      Please give me a photograph or show your object that you can prove your birth date.

      (*a driver’s license)

      2. 인생에서 가장 기억에 남는 생일 축하는 어떤 것이었나요? 생일 선물도 괜찮습니다.
      What was the most memorable birthday of yours? Parties or events, person or letter, whatever.

      작년 생일 다음날 학회 회식자리에서 학회분들이 케익사와서 초 불어준 게 기억에 가장 남습니다. 그때 당시 임기가 거의 끝났지만 제가 회장으로 있던 학회 사람들이 직접 축하해주셔서 너무 감사했습니다.

      It was the day right after my birthday in last year. Academy members brought a cake and lighted candles in a dinner after work. I was a head of the academy in that year, and the term was almost expired. So it was the most memorable celebration as the academy was a really great meaning for me.

      3. 생일이란 것에 대해 어떻게 생각하시나요? 생일마다 느끼는 기분이라든가, 내 생일 또는 주변 사람의 생일을 중요하게 생각하는 편인지, 별로 신경쓰지 않는 편인지 알려주세요.
      What do you think about your birthday? Or how you feel about your birthday?

      생일은 특별한 날이라고 생각합니다. 그래서 가까운 사람 혹은 제 생일때 축하해준 사람 생일은 무조건 챙겨주려고 합니다. 생일에 처음에 12시 넘어갈때는 아무렇지도 않지만 축하를 받기 시작하면서 생일이라는게 실감이 나고 기분이 좋아집니다.

      I think birthday is special. I tried to care about birthdays of my close friends or people who cared about my birthday. I don’t feel real when birthday is coming right after twelve o’clock in the midnight, but I used to realize it and feel happy after some congratulations.

      4. 아직 못이룬 생일에 대한 로망이 있나요? 인생의 몇번째 1월 27일 쯤에 (그러니까 몇 살 쯤에) 언제 어디서 어떻게 누구와 무엇을 하고 싶은가요? 또 받고 싶은 생일 선물이 있나요? 막연한 상상도 좋습니다. 없다면 생일날 비는 소원 내용에 대해 말해줄 수 있나요?
      Do you have special wish for your birthday? Or do you pray on your birthday? Tell me a way you make a wish. And was that realized or not yet?

      작년 생일때 제주도에 있었는데 경치가 너무 좋았습니다. 현재 졸업하고 회사를 다니고 있어서 그런가 작년처럼 생일때도 좋은 풍경이 있는 곳으로 가족들과 함께 또는 혼자 여행을 가고 싶습니다. 받고 싶은 생일선물은 없고 그냥 사람들 말한마디가 너무 감사합니다. 생일날 소원을 빌때 좋은 사람 만났으면 좋겠다고 기도합니다.

      I was in Jeju Island in my last birthday and it was beautiful for its scenery. Now I am graduated and working for a company, so it is hard to travel like the last year. I wish to trip alone or with my family in next birthday. There was no certain wish for presents. I feel grateful enough for just one words. And I pray for a good person to be loved with for my birthday wish.

      5. ’127’이라는 생일 숫자와 관련된 에피소드가 있을까요?
      Is there a story about your birthday number(for example ― 127)?

      127 관련된 에피소드는 딱히 없는 거 같습니다.

      There is not a special story for 127.xw

      +) 태어나서 생일이 같은 사람을 마주치거나 알게 된 적 있나요? 저 말고요. 있다면 소개해주세요.
      Please let me know if you know others who borned in your birthday.

      저도 이유빈씨 말고는 없는 거 같습니다.

      I don’t know anyone except for Yubin Lee.

      He was the first person who gave me a small gift in return. It was a bunch of bread called “Mammoth Bread.”

      It was large and rough as its name does. He said it is from a popular bakery in his neighborhood.

      「He gave me a Mammoth Bread.」, digital image, 2023.01.07

      The second contact from school commmunity was from a graduated student.

      She texted me, and the interesting point was that she has a twin brother.

      The twins were borned in January 27th.

      Twin sister’s name was Lee Soomin.

      「Lee Soomin was born in January 27th, 1997.」, digital image, 2022.12.22

      ― I prepared a big snowball for her birthday present as she answered that she is waiting for a ‘snowy birthday’ for her birthday.

      < Interview of Lee Soomin >

      1. 생일을 인증할 수 있는 사진이나 물건을 보여주실 수 있을까요? (생일 외에 정보를 가린 주민등록증, 여권, 운전면허증 등의 신분증이어도 상관없고, sns 상에 등록해놓은 프로필의 캡처 사진이어도 좋고, 다 좋습니다. 혹시 더 창의적으로 증명할 수 있는 내 생일에 관련된 나만의 물건이 있다면 보여주세요. 생일이 적힌 소품 같은 것도 좋고요.)
      Please give me a photograph or show your object that you can prove your birth date.

      운전면허증 인증
      (certification of a driver’s license)

      2. 인생에서 가장 기억에 남는 생일 축하는 어떤 것이었나요? 생일 선물도 괜찮습니다.
      What was the most memorable birthday of yours? Parties or events, person or letter, whatever.

      저는 운전면허는 20살에 취득했지만 오랫동안 장롱면허였어요. 2년여 전에 장롱면허를 탈출하기 위해 운전 연수를 받고 처음으로 서울을 벗어나 오이도로 친구들과 함께 드라이브를 갔어요. 그때 저는 한창 일하느라 바쁠 때였고, 친구들도 직장인도, 취준생도 있어 당시 평일이었던 생일날 당일은 시간을 내지 못하고 생일 전 주말에 모여 함께 조개 구이를 먹자며 갔던 날이었어요. 원래 그 친구들과는 서로의 생일을 꼭 챙기거나 하지 않았어서 전혀 기대하지 않고 있었습니다. 오이도에 도착해 한창 저를 포함해서 4명이서 조개구이를 먹고 있는데, 친구 두 명이 화장실 간다고 하고 나가서 안 들어오는 거예요. 그런데 한 15분쯤 뒤에 촛불 붙인 케이크를 들고 노래를 부르며 들어오더라고요. 주말 저녁, 사람 많은 오이도 조개구이집에서 생일 노래를 들으며 촛불을 끄고, 조개구이와 케이크를 같이 먹은 기억은 아직까지도 생생하게 기억이 나요.

      I got my driver’s license when I was 20-years-old, but I hadn’t actually driven a car for a long while. About two years ago, I drived on my own for the first time after receiving driving lessons. It was a trip from Seoul to Oido with my friends. At that time, I was really busy with my works, and my friends were also working or looking for a job. So we planned to go driving to the suburbs and eat some grilled clams on the coming weekend few days after my birthday. As we had not cared about each others’ birthdays, I didn’t expect any birthday party. But when we were eating a dinner, two friends were suddenly disappeared after saying that they are going to a bathroom. (We were four including me.) After 15 minutes, they came back with a birthday cake and started to sing a birthday song. That weekend was the most memorable birthday party which come up on my mind vividly ― the birthday song, candlelights on the cake, eating grilled clams and the cake together in a crowded restaurant.

      3. 생일이란 것에 대해 어떻게 생각하시나요? 생일마다 느끼는 기분이라든가, 내 생일 또는 주변 사람의 생일을 중요하게 생각하는 편인지, 별로 신경쓰지 않는 편인지 알려주세요.
      What do you think about your birthday? Or how you feel about your birthday?

      저에게 생일은 서로를 이어주는 매개체 같아요. 평소에는 연락하지 않는 옛 인연들과도 생일 축하라는 명분이 있으면 오랜만에 연락해서 안부 정도는 물어볼 수 있으니까요. 저는 현재는 소원한 관계더라도 생일을 계기로 누군가 오랜만에 축하 연락을 준다면 고마운 마음이 많이 드는 것 같아요.

      평범하게 느껴질지도 모르지만, 제게 생일은 소중한 사람(들)과 함께 쉬면서 맛있는 음식을 먹는 즐거운 날입니다. 20대 초반까지는 생일에 더 큰 의미를 부여하고 남들이 한다는 거는 저도 웬만하면 다 해보고 싶어 했던 것 같아요. 사실 생일은 태어난 날은 중요한 날이니까 이런 좋은 날은 당연히 더 특별히 보내야 한다고 생각했어요. 물론 지금도 그 생각이 크게 변하진 않았지만, 저는 사회생활을 일찍 시작했고 친구들도 학업이나 취업으로 바빠지면서 생일에 특별한 무언가를 하는 것보다는 그저 가족이나 친한 친구, 연인처럼 가깝고 편안한 사람들과 같이 맛있는 음식을 먹으며 사는 얘기 나누는 것만으로도 특별한 무언가를 하지 않아도 충분한 것 같습니다.

      For me, birthday is like a medium that connects each other. I mean, I can say hello to everyone that I know when their birthday is coming, even if they are not that close friends that I not get in touch with in a usual day. And vice versa, I feel really grateful when I got calls from not that close people in my birthday.

      It may sound common, but I want to say that birthday is a day for enjoying a good meal with my person(or people) and chillin. Until early 20s, I’ve tried to do something special and follow others’ trends. I believed it must be a more special day than usual days as it is a day of my birth. For sure, it is unchangeable fact until now, but now it will be enough for me if there is a time for talking about how my lover, friends, and family lives these days, rather than doing special things, as I started my career earlier than my friends, and my friends were also being busy for their works or studies in these days.

      4. 아직 못이룬 생일에 대한 로망이 있나요? 인생의 몇번째 1월 27일 쯤에 (그러니까 몇 살 쯤에) 언제 어디서 어떻게 누구와 무엇을 하고 싶은가요? 또 받고 싶은 생일 선물이 있나요? 막연한 상상도 좋습니다. 없다면 생일날 비는 소원 내용에 대해 말해줄 수 있나요?
      Do you have special wish for your birthday? Or do you pray on your birthday? Tell me a way you make a wish. And was that realized or not yet?

      로망이라고 할 만큼 특별히 바라는 건 없는 것 같아요. 소박할지도 모르지만 이 글을 작성하고 있는 지금은 그저 생일에 눈이 왔으면 좋겠고, 그 눈을 바라보며 소중한 사람과 맛있는 음식을 함께 할 수 있다면 좋을 것 같아요. 조금 더 추가하자면 창문 너머의 눈 내리는 풍경이 아름다우면 좋을 것 같아요.

      My wish is not that special. It may sound like a really small wish, but for now (the moment that I am writing this answer), I wish a white snow for my birthday, and a good dinner with my loved ones, just looking at the snow coming down. A beautiful snowing scene outside the window, that’s it.

      5. ’127’이라는 생일 숫자와 관련된 에피소드가 있을까요?
      Is there a story about your birthday number(for example ― 127)?

      127에 대해서는 특별한 에피소드는 없는 것 같아요.

      No, there isn’t a story for the number.

      +) 태어나서 생일이 같은 사람을 마주치거나 알게 된 적 있나요? 저 말고요. 있다면 소개해주세요.
      Please let me know if you know others who borned in your birthday.

      작가님과 제 쌍둥이 오빠를 제외하고 제가 만난 사람 중에 저와 생일이 같은 사람은 딱 1명입니다. 국가근로 장학생으로 외부 기관에서 일을 한 적이 있는데, 거기서 알게 된 2살 아래 후배입니다. 첫 출근날, 회의 테이블에 앉아서 간단한 신상카드를 적는 시간이 있었어요. 같이 일하게 될 제 옆 사람의 전공이랑 나이가 궁금해서 옆을 살짝 보았는데 그 친구의 생일도 저랑 같은 1월 27일이었어서 너무 신기했었어요. 그걸 계기로 얘기를 좀 더 나누면서 알고보니 이 친구가 제가 학창시절 살았던 동네의 바로 옆 동네에 살았다는 사실과, 제가 졸업한 여고의 바로 옆(같은 재단) 여중에 다녔다는 사실을 알게 되어 정말 신기했습니다. 그 친구와는 성격도 서로 비슷한 점이 많아 같이 일하면서 일하는 동안 친하게 지냈습니다. 그 친구가 딱 20살이 되었던 해에 만났는데 벌써 그 친구도 직장생활 2년 차가 되었네요. 지금은 서로 근무지가 멀리 떨어지게 되어 가끔 안부를 묻는 사이가 되었지만 아마 앞으로 제 남은 인생에서 신기한 인연으로 기억될 것 같아요.

      There is one and only person that I know, except for you, my twin brother and me. Once I worked at an external agency as a student worker for my national scholarship, I met a two-years-younger coworker whose birthday is the same. It was my first day, and there was a time for writing a simple profile on a conference table. I glanced at the person next to me, just wondering a coworker’s major or age. Then I saw her birthday was January 27th like mine. It was really surprised. I started a conversation with the birthday topic, then I also knew that she was my neighbor on school days. Specially, we went to a middle school(her) and a high school(me) from the same foundation. (And the schools were both girls’ schools.) We became close to each other quickly. Not only the birthday was same, but also our characteristics were similar. We met since she was just 20-years-old, and now she is a sophomore in her workplace. Now our workplace is different and quite far from each other, so we’re not keep in touch with in these days, but we will in a special relationship forever.

      「Lee Minjun was born in January 27th, 1997.」, digital image, 2022.12.22

      ― I prepared a hoodie for his birthday present as he answered that practical things such as clothes are best things for birthday presents.

      Twin brother’s name was Lee Minjun.

      < Interview of Lee Minjun >

      1. 생일을 인증할 수 있는 사진이나 물건을 보여주실 수 있을까요? (생일 외에 정보를 가린 주민등록증, 여권, 운전면허증 등의 신분증이어도 상관없고, sns 상에 등록해놓은 프로필의 캡처 사진이어도 좋고, 다 좋습니다. 혹시 더 창의적으로 증명할 수 있는 내 생일에 관련된 나만의 물건이 있다면 보여주세요. 생일이 적힌 소품 같은 것도 좋고요.)
      Please give me a photograph or show your object that you can prove your birth date.

      주민등록증 인증
      (certification of an identification card)

      2. 인생에서 가장 기억에 남는 생일 축하는 어떤 것이었나요? 생일 선물도 괜찮습니다.
      What was the most memorable birthday of yours? Parties or events, person or letter, whatever.

      생일파티를 받는 것이 쑥스러워서 거창한 추억은 없습니다. 현 직장에서 6개월 정도 근무했을 때 제 생일이었는데, 전혀 기대하지 않았던 회사 직원분들에게 뜻밖의 축하와 케익을 받았습니다.

      그동안은 생일이면 친구 몇 명에게 제가 갖고 싶은 선물을 말하고, 배송받거나 현금을 받아서 물건을 샀습니다. 그래서 생일은 내가 갖고 싶은 물건들을 갖는 날이라고 단순히 느꼈던 것 같습니다. 그러나 직접 만나서 축하를 받는 것이 무척 기분 좋았고, 주변 사람들의 생일도 관심을 가지고 축하해주어야겠다는 생각이 들었습니다.

      There is not that grandoise memory for my birthday as I am a type of person who feels ashamed about birthday parties. But there was a surprising birthday party from my co-workers when I worked about 6 months in the current workplace.

      Before that birthday, I just told to my friends about what I want. Then my friends ordered it online or gave me in cash. So I simply felt like birthday is just a day I can get something I want. But after that birthday party, it was a pleasant experience as I decided to celebrate others’ birthdays, too.

      3. 생일이란 것에 대해 어떻게 생각하시나요? 생일마다 느끼는 기분이라든가, 내 생일 또는 주변 사람의 생일을 중요하게 생각하는 편인지, 별로 신경쓰지 않는 편인지 알려주세요.
      What do you think about your birthday? Or how you feel about your birthday?

      12월인 지금 생일이 다가오지만, 기쁘다기보다는 한 해가 끝났고 한 살을 더 먹는다는 생각이 들어 기분이 썩 좋지는 않습니다. 하지만 막상 생일이 코앞으로 다가오면 괜히 그동안 연락이 뜸했던 사람, 데면데면했던 사람들에게 연락이 오지는 않을까 막연히 기대해보곤 합니다.

      제 생일에 연락해주길 바라는 사람들의 생일에, 그 사람들에게 생일 축하 메시지를 보내곤 합니다. 제 생일을 축하해주는 사람들에게 저 역시 그런 존재였으면 좋겠습니다. 1 년에 한번 뿐인 생일을 핑계 삼아 안부를 묻고, 인연을 이어가는 것도 좋다는 생각이 요즘 듭니다.

      It is December now, so my birthday is coming, but I don’t feel that happy because this year will be ended and I will get one more age. However, I used to expect someone give me a call for my birthday. Someone who was not that close with me or did not contact to me recently.

      And I sends a message for people on their birthday as I want their message for my birthday. I recently thought that birthday is a good chance to make connections with others.

      4. 아직 못이룬 생일에 대한 로망이 있나요? 인생의 몇번째 1월 27일 쯤에 (그러니까 몇 살 쯤에) 언제 어디서 어떻게 누구와 무엇을 하고 싶은가요? 또 받고 싶은 생일 선물이 있나요? 막연한 상상도 좋습니다. 없다면 생일날 비는 소원 내용에 대해 말해줄 수 있나요?
      Do you have special wish for your birthday? Or do you pray on your birthday? Tell me a way you make a wish. And was that realized or not yet?

      특별한 생일에 대한 로망은 없습니다. 다만, 혼자 생일을 보내는 것보다는 누군가와 같이 생일을 보내고 싶네요. 지금 생각나는 받고 싶은 선물은.. 예쁜 옷?? 아무래도 실용적인 물품을 받는 게 좋아요. 코트 안에 입을 깔끔한 후드티가 생각나는데 누가 사주면 좋겠습니다.

      There’s no special wish, but I want to spend my time with others rather than alone. What is on my mind right now is ... a nice clothes for a birthday present. I’d like to get a practicable one. I wish a neat hoodie under my coat for this birthday. Someone should buy for me. 

      5. ’127’이라는 생일 숫자와 관련된 에피소드가 있을까요?
      Is there a story about your birthday number(for example ― 127)?


      There isn’t.

      +) 태어나서 생일이 같은 사람을 마주치거나 알게 된 적 있나요? 저 말고요. 있다면 소개해주세요.
      Please let me know if you know others who borned in your birthday.

      No, there isn’t.

      「They are twins.」, digital image, 2022.12.22

      ― That mono-toned, padded jackets are really looks like Korean, making contrast with the colorful cake.

       < Meaning of Cakes > 

      I repeatedly received questions about the birthday cakes because they charged large part of my photographs.


      For me, it was more than just a decorated bread.
      Cake traditionally means ‘to celebrate.’

      So it was one and only visible medium between the subjects(Birthday Brothers) and the photographer(me) in my photographs.

      I prepared different cakes based on their interviews, expecting for making them surprisingly happy when we met finally on the shooting day.

      Sometimes, I didn’t even get any profile pictures from my models so I didn’t know their face until I took their portraits.
      The only information was their birthday and interview answers. I made or ordered all cakes for myself.

       < Number 127 > 

      「NCT127 was not born in January 27th.」, digital image, 2022.12.03

      ― This is not a portrait of a birthday brother,
      but ‘NCT 127’ was repeatedly mentioned on birthday brothers’ interviews because of the numer ‘127’ on their name.

      ― I know a friend who is a fan of NCT, so I asked her to introduce NCT albums she bought.
      She said this group released music and special events related to the number 127.

      ― Their birthdays are not January 27th, but I celebrated them as one who shared the same number.

      「127° is Seoul’s longitude.」, digital image, 2022.12.03

       < After meeting with Birthday Brothers >

      「Haapy Birthday」, digital image, 2023.08.07

      ― One of my friends (whose birthday is not same with me) did her birthday party at my workroom. A decorative sticker “Happy Birthday” was put on the mirror to celebrate her.  I left them alone for more than a year. The sticky things are remained when I finally remove them off. 

      ― FYI) The friend was Dayeeh Hwang, who put missing birthday brothers posters for me in Bali.

      So what I did after found my birthday-brothers was
      hearing to who are they and what kind of lives they live, and celebrate them as a birthday brother.

      I’m an only child. I’ve always wanted brothers or sisters. I suffered from lack of affection.
      This project fulfilled some parts of my unfulfilled love, even if the connections are just fake.

      I think this kind of forgery is a raison d'être for photography.

      To be specific, photograph is just photograph as a picture of ocean is not a real ocean.
      And possessing photographs of everything does not mean that I owned everything, but it makes me feel like that way.

      From now on, I wish I could meet more brothers in various range of age·gender·nationalities, and so on. And I want to know their tastes·lives·personalities·characteristics and whatever.

      VIewers could reminisce the past from younger subjects, and imagine the future from older subjects.
      They could finally stand right on the present with these photographs of the past and the future I took.

       < We are Birthday Brothers >  

      In the end of this project,
      I’m planned for holding a grand birthday party with all brothers I have been met,
      and taking a memorable  group portrait of us. 

      I don’t know how many brothers will show up but expecting to meet them again in this party.

      behind the scenes

      Some parts of the process were archived in  youtube︎︎︎︎.
      And this is summary of the project from my ︎︎︎statement , containing my brief life history.

      I have always been an image collector, since I've got a private telephone ― when I was just 9-years-old. I was indiscriminate in collecting pictures on the net to change my lock screen or wall paper put in on the screen. It was the first time that I became to be possessive toward image. To collect unique and unidentified pictures was my only hobby through which I could display my personal taste. I surfed Tumblr or Pinterest and made a collection of pictures all day. When I arrived at puberty, I remember my profile picture was once a toughly photoshop-ed, low-resolution picture of a pink centipede. My adolescent sensitivity used to be consoled by such fragments of superficial image. This is the reason why my body of work looks like ostensibly instant, random, spontaneous, and fancy. However, I never want commercial photographs ultimately. My purpose as a photographer is to give shape to my image-world by incorporating my imagination into reality. Image-world exists in the gap between real world and my own reality. What I see and experience is not reality for other people. I hope to show this personal world through my photographs. This type of surrealism only exists in photography, not in other media, as its surrealistic point paradoxically comes from real world. This is why I called it image- world.

      My recent project Birthday Brothers is a set-up for meeting various people, image and situation. The plan for collecting people who were born in the same birthday ― especially, in my birthday ― is the largest visual world that I could personally imagine and own. These portraits also act as various versions of self-portrait. It is an effort to make the most personal photographs I can take, to reflect myself through them, and to realize myself. Through people whose age is exactly 365 days apart, I expect every ages of my ego are going to be found. After that, it is not only about ages but also genders, nationalities, and more, as I am going to expand this image-world at graduate school.


      book archive, 2023

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